
Bedbug Infestations

Hi:I'm Boruch Fishman, and welcome to another episode of Close-Up. Today I will be offering you some academic information about bedbugs, provided by Harvard University. Bedbugs , as you may know, have recently made a come-back. There is a modern resurgence in bedbug infestations, believed to be due to modern restrictions on the use of powerful insecticides , such as DDT, increased travel and the rise in urban congestion. Etymologists teach that bed bugs inherited their name from their common association with beds and bedding. During the day, bed bugs hide out in mattress seams. And at night they feast on the occupants of the same bed. Bed bugs are known by several S107 RC helicopter names: wall louse, house bug, mahogany flat, red coat, and crimson ramblers, to name just a few.Bed bugs prefer feeding on humans, however their culinary adventures are not restricted to man. Various species of the bedbug insect family Cimicidae can also feed on mammals, poultry and non-domestic foul. Among bedbug species found in New Mexica, for example, are the western bat bug (Cimex pilosellus Horvath) and the swallow bug (Oeciacus vicarius Horvath). While these RC Air Swimmers insects prefer other hosts, they can, when in need, feed on humans. Unlike many other pests, bed bugs have never been shown to be carries of disease, at least not in the United States. Still, they cause an annoying presence at times, and can insiduously find their way into many homes because they are spread via clothing, traveler baggage, guests, used beds, bedding material used household furniture and laundries. Adult bedbugs are wingless. Their color varies from brown to red-brown in color and their size varies depending on when they had their last blood meal. An unfed bed bug is between 1/4 and 3/8 inches long, and extremely thin. It is so thin it can fit into the head of a screw, or hang out between pages of a book. This helps to illustrate why it is so difficult to terminate a bedbug infestation. The upper extensile surface of a bedbug has a papery, crinkly, flimsy appearance. After the blood meal, the beg bug can swell up to immense proportions. Remote Control Air Swimmer The body increase in length and the skin color becomes dull red. There are five signs that your home is infested with bedbugs : Blood stains found on mattress and bedding from inadvertently crushed bed bugs , Brown stains, which result from blood filled bedbug feces , Black dots {on the underside of beddings, which are Bedbug fecal rc air swimmers remains|of fecal remains found on the underside of bedding; Bed bug eggs, which are tiny pearl colored excrescences found in the creases of mattresses and other places where bed bugs congregate; Shed bedbug skins from molting, these are light almost tan colored skins; Bed bug bites , which are reddish bites similar to misquito bites except that they do not itch initially. Bed bug bites are usually found on appendages. and can become infected. If you suspect you have a bedbug infestation, call a pest specialist immediately and work with him to identify and eradicate the infestation. That's it for another episode of close-up. I'm Boruch Fishman, and have a great day.

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