
Personal Blog Positioning Will Make You A Social Media Pro

So you have been hearing all the buzz about getting free exposure for your product or service by using the great social media platforms like Youtube & Facebook, right? If you are a seasoned veteran on all the Web 2.0 platforms or complete novice, it is critical to integrate these things together in a synergistic fashion. The question is, do you really know how?And if you follow any of the successful marketers online, everyone of them have a great personal blog. So create your own or outsource it immediately. But having all these sites up on the web is not enough. You must position them in unison to have an effective social media marketing web.Now just having a blog alongside your Facebook, Twitter & Youtube pages will not cut it. There is a formula to all of this that we will now breakdwn.If there is one thing you should never do and that is never send your Facebook & Twitter friends directly to your biz opp. or product. That is the quickest way to to Motorcycle Gloves turn someone off. Just imagine going to a party at someones house and immediately pitching everyone on how they should join your pre-paid business? You would be the geek of the hour.Never forget that most people on these sites are here to make friends first. It is crucial to build some kind of re pore before presenting your product or service. Making your blog the "nucleus" of all your other Web 2.0 sites is the key. So for example, instead of directing all your Facebook & Twitter friends to your business page, you point would point them to your blog instead. To define "nucleus" in this context, let me be clear. Your personal blog is supposed to tell the world a lot about you and what your specialties are. If you organize your blog correctly, you can have sections devoted to your personal background with other sections devoted to business. But the point is, it's Nail Sticker more personal and professional at the same time and less non threatening than a blatant sales pitch. Never use your blog as an advertisement billboard. So for example, when someone has become your friend on Facebook and they click on your blog link to learn more about you, it's important that they are not getting hit over the head with a business pitch. The viewer should be able to learn about you personally and professionally, this is the stance to have. The key is that they can choose to read about your business if they want to and will contact you if they want to work with you.So here is the breakdown of what we have just gone over.*Use Facebook, Twitter, Youtube to search out your target market & start some kind of relationship by breaking the ice. *Once that has been established you then direct those same people to your “nucleus”, your blog, which will hopefully impress them enough to take action and work with you. *I would also have a way to capture contact information from your viewers right on your blog. *Now enjoy the massive website traffic & profits that exponentially grow as you execute this formula over time.To your successful marketing!

